As I Said Before I am an Amateur Radio Ham. So here is some information about Amateur Radio. Let me start at the very beginning, 'cause thats a good place to start.
If you wan't to become a ham you must first learn a book called the "Amateur Radio Examination Manual"
Then go and write the exam, If you pass you are now ready to get yourself a radio (But they are all to expensive you say.) Radios are only expensive if you wan't them to be!!! Find yourself a crystal controlled radio that will cost you about R100 and you are up and away.
Once you get into Amateur radio you will find that it is not only one dummy talking to another dummy. It also include Categories such as:
1.  Packet Radio
2.  EME Moon bounce
3.  Sattelite
4.  Other

This is mean't to be a Sattelite.

Packet Radio:-: This is sort of like the internet but instead of running up a phone bill you use your radio and a packet modem. We have BBS's and you can upload and download to or from it, like pictures or sounds. We also have things called digipeaters, these are used if your signal is not strong enough to go directly into the bbs.

EME Moon bounce:-: I don't really know much about this subject but I do know that you transmit with a huge sattelite dish pointing at the moon and you actually bounce you signals off the moon and back to earth, Hence EME stands for Earth Moon Earth.

Sattelite:-: This is where you either talk to other hams who are orbiting the earth in sattelites or you send and recieve packet radio to or from the sattelite. One common one you have probably heard about is Russian Space Station Mir.

Other:-: This categorie includes Visual communicators and GPS's and other interesting EXPENSIVE stuff.
A visual communicator is an item that you plug into your radio to take pictures and send them or to recieve pictures over the radio waves.
A gps is an item you can also plug into some radios to send a beacon.

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